February 2023 - May 2023

RealPage Market Analytics Solutions Landing Page Design

RealPage, Inc / Web Design, Web App


RealPage Market Analytics is a comprehensive solution that combines unique lease transaction data, extensive historical records, current survey data, sales transaction data from Real Capital Analytics, and sophisticated econometric modeling. This wealth of information culminates into a platform that provides actionable insights, supporting stakeholders in making confident decisions regarding capital allocation, acquisition, construction, management, and property disposition.

The main goal of our project was to communicate this powerful capability in a manner that piques the interest of the visitors, persuading them to request a demo of the platform. The journey towards this goal involved several steps, starting from the initial research phase, understanding the user persona, and culminating in creating and testing the landing page. It was an opportunity to integrate my design skills with an understanding of the target audience and the product to create a landing page that not only looks good but also effectively communicates the value of the platform to the visitors.

Project Overview

My Role

Web UI Designer


Project Manager

Web Developer

UX Researcher

Web UI Designer

Content Strategist

Digital Marketing Specialist

Data Analyst

My Contributions

Concept Ideation



User Testing

Tools Used


Concepts & Miro

Affinity Publisher



3 month

Research and Initial Assumptions

Our target audience research focused on professionals in the real estate sector who rely on data to inform their decisions. We assumed our primary audience would be individuals in decision-making roles, like asset managers, analysts, or even executives. We conducted interviews, analyzed industry trends, and studied user behavior patterns on similar platforms.

Our initial assumptions were based on this understanding. We anticipated that our audience, being tech-savvy and data-driven, would be interested in how the platform works and the kind of data it uses. We also assumed that they would appreciate evidence of the platform’s efficacy, such as case studies or testimonials. Furthermore, we considered that clear, concise language would be more effective, given the complexity of the subject matter and the likely busy schedules of the visitors.

User Persona

Creating a user persona based on our research and assumptions, represented our typical target user, was a crucial step in guiding our design and content choices for the landing page. This persona guided us throughout the design process. We continually referred back to their needs, habits, and pain points, ensuring our design decisions were targeted towards enhancing their user experience and demonstrating the value RealPage Market Analytics Solution could offer them.

Name: Danielle

Role: Danielle is a Senior Real Estate Asset Manager in a mid-to-large sized firm. She oversees a diverse portfolio and makes strategic decisions about property acquisition, development, management, and sales.

Demographics: Danielle is in her late 40s, has a Master’s degree in Real Estate and has been in her role for over 15 years. She stays updated on the latest industry trends and technological advancements.

Goals: Danielle’s primary goal is to make informed decisions that maximize the profitability of her firm’s real estate portfolio. She’s always looking for reliable, data-backed market insights to guide her strategic decisions.

Pin Points: With the vast amount of data available, Danielle often finds it challenging to extract meaningful insights quickly. She needs a tool that not only offers comprehensive market data but also presents it in a user-friendly, easily digestible manner.

Technology Use: Danielle is tech-savvy and comfortable using a variety of software platforms for her work. She values intuitive, robust platforms that can manage complex data and present it clearly.

Behavior: Danielle values efficiency and is likely to invest in tools that save her time and provide reliable, in-depth market analysis. She will research options thoroughly before making a decision, and would appreciate seeing a demo of the platform before making a commitment.


In the sketching phase, we began turning our initial ideas and research insights into tangible layouts. I started with brainstorming sessions, sketching out various concepts for the landing page. I came up with multiple sketches, keeping our user persona in mind. Alongside the page layout, we also sketched out user flow diagrams. These showed the path a user might take through the landing page, from first arrival to requesting a demo. This helped us ensure a logical and smooth navigation experience.

I sought feedback from our stakeholders and other team members on sketches. Using this feedback, we made further adjustments to improve the layout and user flow. By the end of the sketching phase, we had a clear picture of the landing page layout and how we would guide users through the content.


Once my sketches were refined and I received approval from our stakeholders, we moved on to creating high-fidelity wireframes. Our high-fidelity wireframes provided a clear and detailed representation of the final product. This phase allowed us to focus on the functionality and interactivity of the landing page and ensured a smooth transition to the prototyping and user testing stages.

At this stage, we included exact dimensions, specified typography aligned with company’s brand book. We also included actual text for body content. It was important to show the precise amount of text and the actual language to be used, as it impacts the overall look and feel of the design. We presented the high-fidelity wireframes to our stakeholders and collected their feedback. We then iterated on the design, tweaking elements based on the feedback received.

RealPage Landing Page (Top View)

Full Page View

Leveraging Lease Transaction Data Page (eBook Download)

Strength in Numbers Page (eBook Download)

User Testing

We conducted 3 user testing sessions with 5 different participants for each session. Each session was started with an introduction to the platform, followed by an explanation of the tasks we wanted the participants to perform. The objective was to observe their interactions with the website and gather valuable feedback. Our intention was to gain deep insights into our users’ journey and to identify any potential friction points that could impact the user experience negatively.

  1. What was your initial impression of the website?
  2. How would you rate the ease of navigation through the site?
  3. Were you able to find the information you needed quickly? If not, what was difficult?
  4. How easy or difficult was it to understand the analytics presented?
  5. How clear are the descriptions of the different analytics tools?
  6. Were there any aspects of the website that you found confusing or overwhelming?
  7. Can you describe a feature or element that you found particularly useful?
  8. How does our platform compare to other real estate analytics websites you’ve used in terms of usability and design?
  9. If there’s one thing you would change or improve about this website, what would it be?
  10. Would you recommend this website to a colleague? Why or why not?

The insights gathered from the user testing sessions proved invaluable to the project. They helped us validate our design decisions and identify opportunities for future improvements.


Post-launch, the landing page experienced a significant uptick in the number of demo requests. This suggested that our clear call-to-action and the persuasive narrative we crafted resonated with visitors and motivated them to take the next step in their customer journey. We also noticed substantial improvements in key engagement metrics. There was a significant increase in the average time users spent on the page, indicating that the content was engaging and held their interest. Furthermore, the bounce rate reduced, showing that users found the page relevant and valuable to their needs.

The insights gained from the user testing sessions were truly valuable. Participants commended the landing page for its straightforward navigation and aesthetic design, emphasizing that these elements significantly contributed to their positive user experience. Most importantly, the impact on the business was profound. With more users requesting demos, the sales team had more opportunities to convert these leads into customers. The project, therefore, had a positive effect on the bottom line, validating our user-focused approach to web design.

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